Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Oct 3, 2007

Describe the last vacation or holiday you took. what made it special? How long ago did it occur? Does having a fun necessarily have to involve a certain place or certain people? Hypothetically speaking, which would you rather take, a three day holiday spent at home, but with your favorite people to spend with your favorite people in the world, or three days anywhere you choose in the world (all expenses paid), but with no one you really know well.

Well the last vacation I toke was last summer to Dominican Republic. I went with my dad for the whole summer to go spend time with my whole family. It was very fun because I spent time with my family and it was so fun because I hardly ever see my family that lives there so I spent alot of time with all of my Cousins and my brother that lives there. We went to the beach, we went to go play baseball, and we just were having fun the whole summer.

Now if I would have to pick from going on a three day vacation with people that I hardly know or to spend a three day vacation at home but with the three people I know the most. I would chose the vacation at home with the three people I know the most because it would be very fun being on a vacation with people you rather then going on a vacation with people you don't know. I say that because if I would go on a vacation with people I don't know it would be very

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