Monday, September 10, 2007

Sept 10,2007

As we approach the halfway point in the first 9 weeks, which do you feel is the most demanding of all your classes? Are you finding it difficult to find your footing in school this year? Are you working particularly hard in any one area? How do you feel about the pace of this class so far? Is it meeting your expectations? Do you find it difficult?

Well for me school always starts off the same. It always starts off easy because the teacher never starts the school year hard. I think that this year is hard then all the other years because this year is when you got to start working extra hard if you want to get into a good college, also this is the year that everybody all there SAT and ACT test.

Well I love the pace that this school year is going because because the weeks are going extra fast. This year for me has been goin faster then every other school year. Also I think that in all my classes all of my techers are asking for a lot since I'm in honors classes. So I dont think that this year is going to be that easy because all of my classes are very hard, I love how the school year is going hopefully it stays that way the whole year.

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