Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dec 5,2007

Finish this sentence: I was most disappointed when... describe in detail a time when you were most disappointed. What happened? What caused the events?

Well I was disappointed when I pitched bad infront of alot of baseball scouts. I was last summer and a lot of baseball scouts told me that they were going to come watch me play and I let that get to my head and I just had a bad game. I was so mad with the way that I played I couldnt sleep that whole night I was up thinking about why did I play so bad? Why didnt I play the same why that I have been playing the whole summer?

Well I finally found out that I let everything get to my head I was trying so hard to play good in front of the scouts that I ended up doing bad. So I decided that I cant let that get to my head and I pratice and the next time that those scouts came to see me play I didnt let that get to my head and I just played my game.

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